
For my friends : )

Wish you guys happy new year : )
Thanks for giving me so much things last year.
I love you all guys!!

Most important ↓
& class 121
I love you sososososoooooooo much!!!
Thanks for tolerating me so much.
We laugh, we do all things together.
It's all you guys that make me smile!

Thanks for Titi & Mimi, you guys give me the power of love. XD
To give me many advices, and to encourage me.
It's so nice that we know each other in class 121.

Thanks for 嬙嬙, it's you so I can tell you so many secret, I love you sooooo much!
Even though that we haven't meet for a long time, I can still feel your care.
Maybe we can have a date this vacation. XP

Thanks for 阿橘, oh my husband ! I love you love you love you!!!!
You're such a funny guy that I've never seen before!
Can't believe that you're younger than me!
What a attractive girl you are! 阿橘大王
Thanks for encouraging me when I was sad.
Thanks for you love me XP
I'll give you birthday present some day!

Thanks for 禹婷, are the nicest person I've never seen before!!!!!!!!
I love you! Hey, thanks for your new years card! I'm sorry that I didn't give you.
But I really want to have a date with youHaha!
You are the prettiest girl in your class!!!!

Thanks for 炘柔, what a guy! 
We have been friends for a longlonglong time!!!
I love you (& your library XD 

Thanks for 伶婕, hey! you said that you love my blog!!
thanks for supporting everything I've done.
We haven't seen each for a long time!

Thanks for class121
It's a nice experience to enter this class.
I've learned many things in this semester.
Wow(!) I don't know how to describe this feeling.
But thank you all guys : )

There are too many to thank.
But I've experienced so much this year.
Wish I'll have more joys in 2007.

Good-bye 2006 I will be better in 2007.
(& I want to fall in love XD)

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